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We Organized Conquest Program at Municipality Square in Tekirdağ Kapaklı
Fethin 566. yılı Kapaklı’da kutlandı
We Organized the Mevlid-i Nebi Program in Sultangazi.
We Organized the Mevlid-i Nebi Program in Sultangazi.
In Sultangazi Anatolian Street, We Presented a Gift to our Minister of Interior, Mr. Süleyman Soylu
Sultangazi Anadolu Sokağında İçişleri Bakanımız Sn. Süleyman Soylu Bey'e üzerinde Vakfımızın logosunun bulunduğu ...
We Attended the Condolence Ceremony of the Reverend Wives of Sheikh Osman Siraceddin Nakşebendi Sultan Mother
We Attended the Condolence Ceremony of the Reverend Wives of Sheikh Osman Siraceddin Nakşebendi Sultan Mother