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We Visited the Qur'an Course in Ankara
As Fatih Sultan Mehmet Education and Solidarity Foundation, we visited the Quran Course in Ankara.
We participated in the iftar program organized by the Ahde Vefa platform.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Eğitim ve Yardımlaşma Vakfı olarak Ahde Vefa platformunun düzenlediği iftar programına katıldık.
3 December International Day of Persons with Disabilities Program/Tekirdağ/Covered
3 December International Day of Persons with Disabilities Program/Tekirdağ
We organized a Mevlid Kandili Program for the martyrs of July 15 and all our martyrs.
On this special day, we organized a Mevlid program with our students at the Mehmet Şakir Efendi complex following the...